
Can Men Receive Alimony After Getting Divorced?

 Posted on September 15,2023 in Child Support

b2ap3_thumbnail_Untitled---2023-09-15T110048.712.jpgWhen it comes to divorce proceedings, there is often a misconception that only women are eligible to receive alimony or spousal support. However, this is not the case. In recent years, as gender roles continue to evolve and change in our society, more men have started seeking alimony after getting divorced.

Understanding Alimony

When addressing issues related to alimony, it is essential to first understand the purpose of this form of support. Financial support paid by one spouse to the other following a divorce or separation is meant to alleviate any economic disparities between spouses caused by the end of their marriage.

In most cases, alimony payments are made by the higher-earning spouse to the lower-earning spouse so that both parties can maintain similar standards of living post-divorce. This is meant to ensure fairness and provide the financially dependent spouse with enough time and support to become self-sufficient.

The Evolving Role of Gender in Alimony Awards

Traditionally, women were more likely than men to be awarded alimony due to societal norms that placed them in primary caregiver roles while their husbands worked outside the home. Based on these arrangements, courts would often believe that women would need financial assistance, since they may not have earned enough to fully support themselves on their own. 

However, due to changing social social dynamics and evolving legal principles, courts now take a gender-neutral approach when making decisions about alimony. The need for spousal support will be evaluated based on the circumstances of each individual case without making presumptions based on gender.

Factors Considered When Awarding Alimony

The decision of whether men can receive alimony after getting divorced depends on multiple factors that may be assessed by divorce court judges. These factors can vary depending on state laws, but they will typically include:

  1. Income disparity: The court will examine the difference in incomes between the spouses. If there is a significant income gap, alimony may be awarded to bridge the financial divide. In cases where a woman earns a higher income, a man may be able to receive alimony payments.

  2. Earning capacity: The amount of income both parties should be able to earn may be evaluated. This involves assessing their education, professional skills, job history, and potential for future employment. A man who has less income-earning capacity than his former partner may qualify for spousal support, and the payments he receives may help him take steps to increase his income by pursuing education or training.

  3. Duration of marriage: The length of a couple’s marriage can influence whether alimony will be awarded. Longer marriages typically increase the likelihood of an alimony award. The amount of time that spousal support will be paid may also be based on how long a couple was married.

  4. Standard of living: The court may consider a couple's established standard of living during their marriage. Steps may be taken to make sure both parties will be able to maintain that lifestyle as closely as possible post-divorce. Men who do not earn enough income to maintain their accustomed standard of living may be able to receive spousal support.

  5. Custodial responsibilities: If one spouse will have primary custody of a couple’s children or a greater share of parenting responsibilities, it may impact their ability to work full-time and support themselves adequately. Men who will be the primary caretakers of their children may be able to receive spousal support in addition to child support.

When addressing issues related to spousal support, it is crucial to consult with an experienced family law attorney who understands the applicable state laws and the procedures followed in local courts.

Contact a Spousal Support Attorney

If you believe you are entitled to receive alimony following your divorce, you may struggle to ensure that you are treated fairly. Despite gender-neutral spousal support laws, courts may be hesitant to award alimony to men, and women will often believe that they should not be required to make these types of payments. A skilled alimony lawyer can help you navigate this situation and advocate for your rights. With a legal advocate on your side, you can make sure the law will be applied correctly, and you can take steps to maintain financial stability as you move forward into your post-divorce life.

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