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What You Need to Know About Spousal Support in an Illinois Divorce

 Posted on May 13, 2024 in Divorce Issues

There are numerous financial concerns that will affect you during your divorce. You will need to divide the assets that you and your spouse own together, which may include money you have saved, various types of personal property, your family home, business interests, and retirement accounts. While the distribution of your marital property can have a substantial impact on the financial resources that will be available to you going forward, you may also need to address ongoing concerns about income and expenses. If either you or your spouse may struggle to maintain financial stability, you may need to determine whether spousal support will be appropriate.

Spousal support, which is also known as alimony or spousal maintenance, usually consists of ongoing payments made by one spouse to the other, although it may also take the form of a lump sum payment. This financial support is meant to address economic disparities between divorcing spouses. If you believe that you should receive spousal support, or if your spouse is asking you to make ongoing payments, you can work with an experienced attorney to navigate this issue and determine what arrangements will be fair.

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My Ex Became a Party Mom. Can I Get Sole Custody?

 Posted on April 16, 2024 in Child Custody and Visitation

local child support attorneyOne of the most difficult parts of divorce is adjusting to life after the marriage ends. It can be especially disorienting if you feel that you and your spouse are living in opposite realities. You might be grieving while your spouse’s Instagram shows she is out partying most nights. 

It is normal for newly single fathers in such a situation to want sole custody. But child custody laws are fairly rigid and courts do not like to change custody arrangements unless there is a very compelling reason. A skilled family law attorney can help you understand when you would be able to obtain sole custody of your child.

First, however, you should be honest with yourself about why you want child custody.

Why Do You Want Child Custody?

This is one of the first questions an experienced attorney will ask you, and your case depends on the answer. If it is for any other reason than the child’s best interest, filing a custody petition with a court can backfire on you.

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How Much Will Divorce Cost Me?

 Posted on March 20, 2024 in Divorce Issues

divorce lawyer A major reason why men are sometimes hesitant about getting a divorce is the financial implications. While anyone who gets divorced will have to pay for legal representation and court fees, men generally end up paying spousal support and child support. Depending on their financial circumstances, men sometimes need to pay for their spouse’s attorney as well. In many cases, the father moves out of the house while the divorce is underway and finds a different place to stay until everything is settled, and often they keep covering mortgage payments or other home maintenance costs while also paying rent for their new home.

 Some of the financial drawbacks of divorce are unavoidable, but a knowledgeable divorce lawyer will be able to advise you on various steps you can take to take care of your finances in a more optimal manner. Following them can make your divorce much more manageable. You should not have to feel stuck in an unhappy marriage for fear of the financial impact divorce could have. A knowledgeable divorce lawyer who has experience representing fathers in such cases can offer you specially tailored legal advice to guide you as you move forward.

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Post-Divorce Self-Care Tips That Really Work

 Posted on February 19, 2024 in Single Dad Survival

Blog ImageEmbarking on life after divorce can be a challenge, but it can also be a transformative journey. As you learn to live on your own and find a new normal, it is important to find time to rediscover yourself and prioritize your well-being. By embracing a healthy lifestyle that can be seamlessly integrated into your daily routine, you can make sure you will be able to survive as a single father after your divorce. Remember, taking care of yourself is not just about physical health; it is about nurturing your overall well-being.

Take a Break From the Screen

Many of us spend several hours per day looking at a screen, whether it is a computer or a phone. All that screen time can be detrimental to your physical and mental health, however, so it is a good idea to take breaks now and then. Unplug from technology and read a book, start a relaxing hobby, or listen to music. These breaks can help you get recentered after a long day, and reducing your screen time can have other benefits, such as giving you a better quality of sleep.

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Dealing With Seasonal Depression as a Divorced Father

 Posted on January 22, 2024 in Divorce Issues

Blog ImagePeople may experience increased levels of depression during certain times of the year, and this can sometimes be a concerning issue for fathers who have gone through divorce and are struggling to adjust to the changes in their lives. In fact, this is such a frequent issue that it has a name: seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. This type of depression often occurs during the winter months when people experience less sunlight, they are stuck indoors due to cold weather, and they have fewer opportunities to participate in activities they enjoy.

While SAD can impact anyone, men are often affected, especially when they need to get up before dawn and work throughout the day, not going home until after sunset. Men who suffer from this condition may experience symptoms such as a lack of energy, sleeping more than usual, feelings of sadness, increased levels of irritability, weight gain, and social withdrawal.

For divorced fathers who are already navigating the challenges of co-parenting and who may have experienced emotional issues related to divorce, coping with seasonal depression can add an extra layer of difficulty. If you are in this situation, it is important to prioritize your mental health so that you can be the parent your kids need. Here are some strategies that may help.

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8 Tips for Surviving the Holidays as a Divorced Dad

 Posted on December 19, 2023 in Child Custody and Visitation

Blog ImageFor many people, the holiday season is a time that is filled with joy and love. Family gatherings can help solidify bonds between loved ones, and people can demonstrate their appreciation for each other by giving gifts. However, if you are a divorced dad, the holidays can sometimes be a period of sadness and loneliness, and you may face a variety of emotional challenges. To make sure you can get the most out of the holidays, here are some tips to help you navigate the season successfully:

1. Plan Ahead

It is a good idea to plan your holiday visitation schedule well in advance to avoid any last-minute stress or confusion. Discuss the dates and times of celebrations with your ex-spouse and determine when your children will be staying with each parent during winter breaks from school. This will ensure that everyone knows where your children will be during each holiday event.

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How Can Infidelity Affect a Divorce?

 Posted on November 20, 2023 in Divorce Issues

Untitled---2023-11-20T113315.946.jpgGetting a divorce is rarely an easy process, especially for dads who need to address child custody issues. However, infidelity can make matters even more complicated, and it can lead to disputes that may be difficult to resolve. When one spouse has engaged in a sexual or emotional relationship with someone outside of the marriage, this is likely to be one of the top reasons why the marriage is ending. Infidelity can not only lead to significant emotional pain, feelings of betrayal, and contentious arguments, but it may also affect divorce proceedings. In these situations, it is important to understand the legal implications that infidelity may have for dads who are going through divorce.

When Infidelity May Be Addressed During the Divorce Process

Infidelity is an emotional issue that can be very important to spouses who are going through a divorce. However, it may not necessarily be addressed during legal divorce proceedings. Even though it can be difficult to set aside emotions when approaching this issue, doing so may be necessary to ensure that a divorce can be completed successfully. A spouse’s adultery or cheating behavior could potentially affect a divorce in the following ways:

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7 Financial Planning Tips for Men Considering Divorce

 Posted on October 19, 2023 in Divorce Issues

Untitled---2023-10-19T153632.312.jpgDivorce is not easy, and husbands or fathers who go through this experience will often struggle to make changes in their lives and make sure they are making good financial choices. The emotional aspects of ending a marriage can make it difficult to properly consider the long-term impact of the choices made during the divorce process. However, it is important to approach this process correctly, and men can take steps to protect their financial interests and set themselves up for success in the next chapter of their lives. As you prepare for divorce, you will want to follow these tips for addressing financial issues:

Gather All Financial Documents

It is essential to compile all relevant financial information that may affect the decisions made during the divorce process. These documents may include bank statements, tax returns, investment account statements, mortgage documents, credit card bills, and any other records related to your assets and liabilities. Having this information readily available will help you understand your current financial situation so that you can make decisions about the division of marital property and other divorce-related issues.

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Can Men Receive Alimony After Getting Divorced?

 Posted on September 15, 2023 in Child Support

b2ap3_thumbnail_Untitled---2023-09-15T110048.712.jpgWhen it comes to divorce proceedings, there is often a misconception that only women are eligible to receive alimony or spousal support. However, this is not the case. In recent years, as gender roles continue to evolve and change in our society, more men have started seeking alimony after getting divorced.

Understanding Alimony

When addressing issues related to alimony, it is essential to first understand the purpose of this form of support. Financial support paid by one spouse to the other following a divorce or separation is meant to alleviate any economic disparities between spouses caused by the end of their marriage.

In most cases, alimony payments are made by the higher-earning spouse to the lower-earning spouse so that both parties can maintain similar standards of living post-divorce. This is meant to ensure fairness and provide the financially dependent spouse with enough time and support to become self-sufficient.

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6 Ways Dads Can Help Children Get Through the Divorce Process

 Posted on August 31, 2023 in Family Law

b2ap3_thumbnail_Untitled---2023-08-31T094904.027.jpgThe divorce process can be difficult, and it can be especially hard on children. When parents split up, children’s lives can be upended. Children may experience stress and other emotional issues when they are exposed to tension and conflict in the home. As parents begin to separate from each other, children are likely to be unsure about what will happen in the future, where they will live, whether they will still be able to see family members, how their school activities and friendships will be affected, and how other parts of their lives will be affected. 

As a dad going through a divorce, you may feel overwhelmed by all the issues you need to address. However, even though you may be focusing on the legal and financial aspects of your divorce, it is also important to prioritize your children's well-being and provide them with the support they need. Here are some ways you can help your children get through the divorce process:

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