
Making the Most of Dad’s Visitation/Parenting Time

 Posted on January 21,2025 in Child Custody and Visitation

Divorce LawyerIt can be difficult for dads who must transition from being with their children on a daily basis to having visitation or parenting time following a divorce. Sharing holidays can be especially tough since many holidays may be spent alone. Dads who see their children every other weekend may be unsure how to make the most of that time, while others may seek ways to get more parenting time.   

Knowing what to expect generally smooths the way a bit, but dropping off your kids after having them for less than two days in two weeks can be more difficult than you ever imagined. There are ways to maximize your time with your children and ways to ask for more time. Having a skilled divorce attorney who will advocate for your rights and who understands your concerns is especially important during this time.

Maximizing Your Parenting Time

It may feel as though you have barely gotten to the point where your children feel comfortable with you when it is time to take them back to their mother. It is tempting to spoil your children and not be a disciplinarian since you see them so rarely, but this is not generally a good idea. Children thrive on routines; you need to have a routine at your home that they can come to expect. Below are some tips that will help you maximize the time you have with your children.

  • Attend your children’s school and sporting events, even if they are not during your parenting time.
  • Stay involved with things like parent-teacher conferences.
  • Keep up some old family traditions, or create some new ones (pizza night, movie night)
  •  Create bathtime and bedtime routines for younger children that include reading them a book or another enjoyable experience.
  • Try to create a special occasion on every fourth visit or something similar so they will look forward to engaging in an activity with you (bowling, miniature golf).
  • To the extent possible, always be on time for pickups and try your best not to let anything interfere with your scheduled visit.
  • If your ex agrees, keep in touch with your children throughout the week via text, email, social media, or Facetime sessions.
  • Divorce is stressful, often leading to anxiety, depression, and even substance abuse. It is crucial that you keep yourself healthy and provide a safe, healthy home environment for your children during your parenting time.

Asking for More Time with Your Children

Many dads do not have a good understanding of their legal rights during a divorce, leading to much less parenting time than they later wish they had. Perhaps the children were very young at the time, and you thought it would be better for them to have a more stable home life. If your ex will not discuss more parenting time or equal parenting time, you can petition the court, especially if circumstances have materially changed since the divorce.

Make sure to document your involvement in your children’s lives since the divorce so you can show you are an active parent. Be willing to be flexible and accommodate changes in schedules and routines to foster cooperation between you and your ex. When all is said and done, prioritize the well-being of your children in all decisions and actions related to parenting time, and you will be a successful, loved dad.  

Contact an Experienced, Supportive Father’s Rights Divorce Lawyer

Divorce can leave you feeling like you are going in five different directions at any given time. You may be struggling with a new job or financial issues, living in a new home, and trying your best to ensure a healthy relationship with your children. A highly skilled divorce attorney who is a champion for fathers’ rights can help you get through this difficult time in the best way possible.

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