Health and Wellness Tips for Divorcing Dads

How to Protect Your Well-Being So You Can Be There for Your Kids
Getting a divorce is one of the most stressful life events you can experience. Not only do you have to deal with the emotional difficulty of ending a relationship that you thought would last the rest of your life, but you're probably struggling with a great deal of uncertainty about the changes you're going through. You may be unsure about where you'll live, how much time you'll have with your kids, and whether you'll have the financial resources to provide for yourself and your family. All of this can take a serious toll on your physical and mental health.
As you proceed with the divorce process, you'll want to make sure you're taking care of yourself. By focusing on improving your health and wellness, you can be prepared for success in your post-divorce life, and you can have the energy and focus you need to be the dad your kids deserve. Here are some tips for staying healthy during and after your divorce:
- Get plenty of exercise - Regular exercise can work wonders for your physical and mental health. It will not only give you more energy and help you sleep better, but the endorphins it produces in your body can greatly improve your mood and reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. You don't necessarily have to join a gym or begin a serious training regimen; simply taking regular walks, playing sports, or participating in any physical activity can be helpful.
- Eat healthy - It can be easy to comfort yourself by eating junk food, fast food, or other foods that are tasty but aren't good for you. However, this won't be good for your overall health, and it can ultimately cause you to feel even worse. Instead, work on eating three good meals a day, and try to maintain a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and plenty of water. This can not only be more healthy, but it can improve your mood as well.
- Build your support system - It's important to have people you can reach out to when you need help or if you just need to talk. You can take this opportunity to reconnect with friends or family members, or you could join a support group for divorced or single dads. By building healthy relationships, you can make sure you'll have the help you need when you need it.
- Find an outlet for difficult emotions - You're likely to experience anger, sadness, guilt, and untold other emotions in the aftermath of your breakup and divorce, and you'll want to find a healthy way to deal with them. You might consider seeing a therapist who can help you work through the emotional fallout of your divorce. You might also want to find some solutions for letting off steam, such as taking kickboxing or martial arts classes.
- Avoid substance abuse - As you adjust to your new post-divorce reality, you may be tempted to cut loose and drown your sorrows in drugs or alcohol. While there's nothing wrong with occasionally drinking in moderation, it's best to avoid relying on these types of substances to get you through the day, since this will ultimately harm your physical and mental health. If you're struggling with substance abuse, you might consider going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings or seeking professional help.
- Try new things - You're likely to have more spare time following your divorce, since you'll no longer have a married partner, and you'll probably be spending less time with your kids. This is a great opportunity to discover new hobbies or rekindle old interests. You could even find clubs or groups in your community where you can connect with others who share your interests. Enjoying yourself and getting the most out of your life is a great way to ward off the negativity surrounding the end of your marriage.