Preparing for Divorce as a Father
Getting a divorce is never easy. The process of dissolving your marriage can be highly emotional for all parties involved, and it is often mired in legal complexities. If you are going through divorce as a father, you may have even more reasons to feel stressed. You might be worried if your children will see you differently, or if a strained relationship with your ex will interfere with your parenting time. During this especially difficult period of your life, you should consider seeking out a skilled divorce attorney who can empathize with your concerns as a father and advocate for your rights.
Breaking the News to Your Children
Once you and your spouse have decided to get a divorce, you should tell your children early on so that they are not blindsided by the news later. Depending on the age and maturity of your children, you will have to approach the topic differently. Even young children can grasp sensitive subjects, and if you handle it with care, your child may come to accept the divorce sooner rather than later. With older children and teenagers, there is bound to be some angst around the subject. Give your child space, and allow him or her to grieve in private as needed.
When breaking the news, you should make clear to your children that they will still be loved and taken care of. In addition, try to avoid assigning blame or forcing your child to pick a side.
Decide How to Settle the Divorce
There is no one-size-fits-all solution for a divorce with children. If you want to keep things from boiling over, mediation can provide you and your ex with a space to calmly work out your issues and move forward with a divorce. Children are perceptive, and they are often keenly aware of fights between parents. Mediation may be preferable for your children’s mental health, setting a positive example for how disputes should be resolved.
In other cases, an amicable resolution may not be possible. Your ex might be looking to take full custody without your approval, or you might feel as though your ex creates an unsafe environment for your children to grow up in. In these situations, you may decide that it is best to take your divorce to court. The process of contested divorce can take months to finalize, but sometimes, it is the only way to protect your rights as a father. If litigation is inevitable, seeking out the representation and counsel of a skilled divorce lawyer is critical for securing your ideal outcome.
Meet With a Supportive Divorce Lawyer for Fathers’ Rights
If you are going through a divorce as a father, you may be grappling with several issues at once, between protecting your financial interests and maintaining a healthy relationship with your children. That said, you do not have to contend with these problems alone. You have a right to counsel from a skilled divorce attorney who can help you prepare for the worst in a divorce, ensuring that your rights as a father are not neglected.