4 Tips for Getting a Divorce During the Coronavirus Pandemic
The COVID-19 crisis has had a huge impact on all of our lives. Even if you haven’t been directly affected by an infection, you’ve probably had to deal with inconveniences due to being required to stay at home or maintain social distancing. In the worst cases, people have lost their jobs, been unable to make rent or mortgage payments, or suffered devastating losses due to the illness or death of family members. Along with all of these other concerns, many people’s marriages have been pushed to the breaking point or beyond due to the stresses and difficulties they are experiencing. If you’re considering getting divorced, you may need to deal with some issues and concerns that you wouldn’t have to address in other circumstances. During the divorce process, you’ll want to keep the following in mind:
Figure out how to separate while sharing a home - Moving out of your home and finding new living arrangements might be difficult right now. Due to concerns about infections, you may not want to visit potential new houses or apartments, or you may simply be unable to afford to move because of your financial situation. However, sharing a home with your spouse might seem impossible when your relationship has broken down. You may want to agree that each of you will mostly stay in your own separate areas of your house, and you could create schedules for when each of you will use shared areas such as the kitchen or family room. By figuring out how to make things work while you continue to live together, you can avoid conflicts and arguments and decrease stress during an already difficult time.
Determine court procedures - Currently, many courts have closed or are operating at limited capacity to avoid spreading infections. However, courts will typically be able to address emergency issues, such as domestic violence or orders of protection, if the need arises. As you proceed with the divorce process, you’ll need to understand how procedures might have changed. In some cases, courts might hold virtual hearings, allowing you to address matters without actually entering the courtroom. Your divorce lawyer can help you understand what steps you’ll need to take as you go through the divorce process.
Find ways to work together as co-parents - If you and your spouse have children, you’re going to need to cooperate with each other in the years to come, and this crisis can give you the opportunity to begin building your new co-parenting relationship. As you work out a parenting agreement that addresses child custody and visitation/parenting time, you can determine how the two of you can work together to meet your children’s needs both now and in the future.
Consider mediation through videoconferencing - Mediation is one of the most beneficial ways to resolve divorce-related disputes and reach a settlement that you can both agree on. However, in-person mediation may be difficult right now, so you may want to find a mediator who can meet with you and your spouse over Zoom, Skype, or Facetime. This can allow you to reach compromises on the issues you need to resolve, while ensuring that you can review any documents that need to be prepared as you work to complete the divorce process.
Whether you’re contemplating divorce or have already begun the divorce process, you’ll want to work with a divorce attorney who can help you understand your rights and the procedures that will be followed during this public health crisis. Your lawyer can make sure you take the right steps to get through your divorce successfully and achieve your goals.