
5 Tips for Staying Healthy During and After Your Divorce

 Posted on July 02,2020 in Divorce Issues

Protect your health during divorceEveryone handles their divorce differently — maybe you’re grieving with the help of a large bag of potato chips or with a few beers and some friends. Getting through a divorce can be especially difficult for men, as they tend to avoid discussing emotions or seeking help from others. This is especially true in the midst of a pandemic when hanging out with friends or going to a bar are no longer on the table. Not all guys are going to be open to getting in touch with their feelings, so it can be hard to find other outlets for staying healthy, both mentally and physically. Though COVID-19 may be limiting your ability to spend time with family and friends, there are other ways you can come out on the other side of your divorce happy and healthy.

Avoid Overindulging

This is a challenge for everyone at the moment, whether single, married, or in the middle of a divorce. Now that “going to work” consists of sitting in your home with your laptop and a pair of sweatpants, it’s easy to allow yourself to indulge a little too much. Easily accessible snacks, sugary drinks, and alcoholic beverages after work can quickly become your go-to. There’s nothing wrong with allowing yourself to take advantage of these unique circumstances and enjoy yourself, but you may not notice how much is being added to your waistline before it’s too late.

Consistency is Key

The term “consistency” can seem impossible in the middle of a global pandemic. This is especially true if your “normal” has been completely turned upside down due to your divorce. You’ll need to create your new normal in both your professional and your personal life. Try settling on a schedule that you can follow on a daily basis for the next few months. Whether this involves a workout in the morning or time set aside for new hobbies, having a schedule can help you feel more in control and less concerned with the minor details of your daily life.

Go Outside

COVID-19 has substantially limited everyone’s ability to leave their home. While there may be restrictions on how many people you can be around, you can still go outside and take a break from your house. It’s easy to get stuck in your head or feel trapped when you haven’t left your home in days. Studies have shown the importance of sunshine and fresh air, even if only for a few minutes while you walk down the street. Take the time to escape your home by walking, biking, or running outside.

Use Your Resources

If this pandemic has shown anything, it’s that everyone is reachable, even if people aren’t physically together. Take advantage of video chat platforms to keep in touch with friends and family. Having the support of your loved ones, even if you don’t discuss the details of your divorce, can make you feel more prepared to take on this new chapter of your life. For those looking for someone to talk to, counselors and mental health providers have begun to utilize these digital platforms to continue helping those who need it, even if they can’t meet in person.

Find an Attorney

It may seem like an impossible task to find a divorce attorney in the middle of a pandemic. Fortunately, most attorneys have not stopped working and have expanded their means of communication to include video consultations for those who need legal help. Legal directories are always a good place to turn to for help finding a reputable lawyer. Not only can search for an attorney in your location, but you can also look at lawyers who focus on divorce and family law. Taking steps forward in your divorce can actually make you feel more in control of the situation and keep the process moving along.

Take the time that you need for yourself to accept your ending marriage and move forward with your life. Hiring a reputable divorce lawyer can help you focus on your own healing while they manage the legal details. By building healthy habits, you can avoid being stuck in the past and move forward once your divorce is finalized.



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