
What is Supervised Visitation and How Long Does it Last? 

 Posted on July 31,2022 in Child Custody and Visitation

fathers rights lawyerFor most couples, divorce is a time of heightened emotions. Anger, betrayal, and resentment can all combine to create a ruthless opposition to each other during divorce negotiations. Sadly, children can get caught up in their parents’ fights and are used as pawns by each parent to play out the adults’ interpersonal conflict. 

When parental conflict reaches dangerous or violent heights, or when a parent may no longer be able to care for their children safely, supervised visitation can be ordered by the judge overseeing the custody or divorce case. Supervised visitation is when a parent can only spend time with their child when another adult, like a social worker, is present. While supervised visitation can seem unfair, it is essential to cooperate with the system so you can get through this stage and return back to normal with your kids. 

Why is Supervised Visitation Ordered? 

Judges are responsible for ordering supervised visitation and they may do it for a number of reasons. The most common reasons include: 

  • Domestic violence

  • Alcohol or drug abuse 

  • A parent who has had dangerous people present around the children 

  • A risk of parental kidnapping 

  • A parent who has a history of violating court orders 

  • Reintroducing a parent to a child after a prolonged separation 

Sometimes supervised visitation is ordered because of false allegations made by one spouse about the other. While every case is different, fathers are more likely to suffer from the impact of false allegations of abuse. 

How Can I Stop Supervised Visitation and Go Back to Normal? 

Judges (and the law) want children to have relationships with both parents and are eager to see a parent with supervised visitation behaving in such a way that allows a child safe and more frequent access to that parent. Sometimes supervised visitation lasts only a few months, but if a parent does not change the concerning behavior, it may continue indefinitely. Ultimately, a judge is concerned that the best interests of a child are met. If you can prove through your behavior and attitude that spending time with you would benefit your child, supervised visitation is likely to end more quickly. This is why it is so important to be cooperative, even when the situation may seem completely unfair. 

Contact a Nearby Fathers’ Rights Lawyer

If you have been scheduled to have supervised visitation, the next few months will be crucial for maintaining the future of your relationship with your child. Call an experienced fathers’ rights attorney near you to learn more about how supervised visitation works and how you can get back to normal visitation sooner. 



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